The Year in Review and a Look Ahead

The Year in Review and a Look Ahead

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This year, I bowled in a league, went to Austin, had a blast tutoring each week, saw Ed Sheeran in concert, dog-sat a lot, moved out of my favorite living space, sold my beloved MINI Cooper, completed the coastal Camino from Portugal to Spain, visited the Azores Islands, and entered my sixth continent, Africa, kicking it off in Morocco, country #44. A highlight reel of a year that also unearthed several developments and revelations.

It was difficult choosing to say farewell to my stimulating and enriching lifestyle in Chicagoland. I adored my apartment, but a nearly $2000 per month rent helped me decide to self-evict. That monthly savings lasts ages out here in the travel-verse.

Concluding tutoring 12 amazing kids per week was the toughest decision to make. I miss each of them but am thankful that I get to check in monthly via Zoom as they learn about the country that I have just explored.

With my other occupation of educating adult travelers, now, I have the luxury to give these presentations virtually as I go along; a blessing that I cannot quantify. Incidentally, I look forward to sharing my experience along the Camino de Santiago with you all, starting February 13th.

While healthy and motivated to explore a variety of destinations, I am, at the same time, seeing the beginning of the end of these types of long-term solo backpacking trips. Travel in my forties will evolve alongside my lifestyle needs and desires.

To be clear, 101 days in, this adventure is just getting started. I expect to visit a couple dozen countries spanning roughly two years. I may work and/or volunteer along the way (or I may not). You know that I love an open-ended journey rich in serendipitous opportunities. 

Returning home will look different, but planning for that inevitable homecoming is part of this experience. My parents will soon move away from Chicagoland; many friends have also left. Several have passed on, including my travel role model, Grandma Pat. Most importantly, I don’t feel the same desire to re-anchor there that I once did. The definition of “home” is evolving.

This leads me to weigh a relocation to one of my favorite destinations: America’s Southwest, Colombia, Australia, or Portugal. Wildcard dream destinations are possibilities too! Feedback is appreciated, but this is my decision to make and will do so independently.

I look forward to a rewarding and challenging year of exploration that will, hopefully, spill over into 2025. Thanks for your kindness and support. Happy New Year!


Brian Michalski is a world traveler who publicly speaks about his adventures and what he has learned along the way.

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